
Training Glossary

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looking for 'D' Words


Decibel - The unit for measuring sound levels.

Discriminatory conduct
Discriminatory conduct means: dismissing a worker terminating their contract altering a worker's position or in any other way doing something to the detriment of the worker. It can also mean: failing to engage a prospective worker treating a prospective worker less favourably than another terminating a commercial arrangement failing to enter into a commercial arrangement. Threatening to take any of this action is also discriminatory conduct.

Due diligence
Due Diligence is being proactive in keeping up to date with knowledge of work health and safety matters and in ensuring the PCBU meets their work health and safety obligations. Due diligence obligations are designed to ensure Officers take reasonable steps to ensure the use of appropriate resources, policies, procedures and health and safety practices in undertaking overall and daily business operations.

Duty holder
The term 'duty holder' refers to any person who owes a work health and safety duty under the WHS Act, including: a person conducting a business or undertaking designers manufacturers importers suppliers upstream duty holders such as the installer of product or plant used at work officers workers. It is possible for more than one person to simultaneously have the same duty, in which case the duty becomes shared. However, duties cannot be transferred.

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